Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wreaths MY Daughter Made

Just have to share with you some of our daughters lovely wreaths - she graduated in Floral Design and has worked for numerous places (including The Grand in SLC) designing wreaths, centerpieces, etc.  If you saw my Fall candlescaping on our mantle - Shay is the one who did it.  Here are a couple of her wreaths she sells on Etsy.  She will be adding more in the next day or so.  Her shop is called "Goldieshine Design"


Natasha in Oz said...

These wreaths are gorgeous! Your daughter is so talented. I hope she sells lots of wreaths.

Best Christmas wishes,

Christian Jenny said...

What a great post! I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us. I have bookmarked this site and will be sure to check for updates. Keep up the good work!

Please Come and Visit!

If you are a gardener - please visit my Gardening Ro om at Buckets of Gardening Ideas
See you next Fall!